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What is a computer code tutorial?

As a skill set, it includes a wide variety of different tasks and techniques, but our tutorials are not intended to teach you everything. Instead, they are meant to provide basic, practical skills to help you understand and write computer code that reflects things you see and use in the real world.

What does code mean in Computer Science?

Explain that in computer science, “code” means a set of instructions that a computercan understand. Let students know that today, they are going to practice “coding,”“programming” and “debugging”.Define: Coding means to write code, or to write instructions for a computer. Programming, similarly, means to write code or instructions.

What is computer programming?

Computer programming is the process of designing and writing computer programs. As a skill set, it includes a wide variety of different tasks and techniques, but our tutorials are not intended to teach you everything.

What is a Computer Basics course?

In this course you’ll learn more about the types of computers and operating systems in use today. You'll also gain a better understanding of the basic parts of a computer, how applications are used, connecting to the Internet, and more. This computer basics course is full of animations to help you understand the topics.

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